Mar 19, 2009


I am a nerd. I am. And I have decided it is time to stop hiding my nerdiness from you. For some of you, as you read this you're thinking, "Yeah, cause you really had me fooled. How many times did you see/read Twilight again?" Others of you are thinking, "Really?"


Area you ready for proof? You may want to sit down.

I LOVE Battlestar Galactica [heretofore referred to as BSG].

I will pause as you commence with as many Jim ridiculing Dwight for his love of BSG quotes fromThe Office as you can possibly come up with. Ready? Go...



Okay. Now, I know you think that was it. You think I'm done. You're saying to yourself, "Wow. That's pretty nerdy." But it gets nerdier my friends. Are you ready? If you've already sat down, maybe just recline a bit. Or perhaps get yourself a glass of water or some smelling salts. Because...

I am knitting myself Viper Pilot Socks. Socks inspired by the end of Season Three of BSG. Now if I had discovered this pattern and BSG sooner, I would most likely be attempting to make them for this Friday's BSG two hour series finale, just like my current favorite knitting blogger Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Unfortunately that did not happen. The good news is that I have all of BSG: Razor, BSG Seasons 4.0 and 4.2.

Maybe you're asking yourself why on earth this could possibly be good news. Why is this further immersion into nerd-dom a good idea? Well, firstly because it's important to be who you are. [HA! Didn't know I was going to go all big-life-lesson on you, did you?] And secondly it will give me plenty of time to frack up and still be able to wear them when I have my own little BSG series finale party.


Heather said...

You forgot to mention Serenity ;) And, I hope that you will come through and go participate in the midnight madness of the Twilight DVD release party because that is my expectation of your nerdiness. V-COC soon?

Haley said...

Duh. I already pre-ordered it from the Blockbuster down the street from my house. I was so nerdy that I asked if I could hold it for just a second [because they already have all their copies in, they just can't sell them yet].

And of course Firefly / Serenity.

YES! VCOC SOON. Let me know your schedule so we can make it happen! Also, I keep seeing cute baby things I want to knit for Collin.

Sarah said...

I just looked at those socks and they look sooooper cool my little pig. Keep up the good knittin' and make sure your fingers don't fall off!

Love you so so so so so muts,