fabulous friday video goodness—too good to wait until friday
Okay. This is awesome. JUST found his site* and it's pretty freaking good. And this video, and the specific blog entry it comes from are SO GOOD**. Because the way he describes sex and vulnerability, I think that's what we're all looking for. That's what we hope for. It's what Hollywood tries to sell, and fails because they're selling a cheap knockoff and calling it Prada. And maybe it wears like Prada for awhile, but sooner or later those polyurethane handles on your not so real leather bag are going to start peeling at the edges. And that imitation Prada doesn't hold together quite the way you hoped it would.
I could keep writing about this, but maybe you should just watch it.
*Found the site via one of my new faves, Lauren Nicole.
**He borrows from and expands on some ideas from Rob Bell's book Sex God [which is one of my favorites, beeteedubs].
This video is what caused me to go to his website and then to read "A Good Woman’s Guide to the 21st Century" by Lauren Lankford which then made me cry and changed my way of thinking.
This video is what caused me to go to his website and then to read "A Good Woman’s Guide to the 21st Century" by Lauren Lankford which then made me cry and changed my way of thinking.
So thank you for posting this video, friend.
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