Oct 14, 2011

fabulous friday video goodness—bryan john appleby

There's this band I really like, called Hey Marseilles. I see them almost every time they come to Portland. They're coming to Portland in November, and they've got this guy who's opening for them, called Bryan John Appleby. I looked him up, and then I listened to his album for an entire day, maybe two. I tend to do that. He's from Santa Cruz, and now lives in Seattle.

There was a great migration of Santa Cruz musicians back in 2008 to Seattle. By great I mean these guys who were in this band called Caravel that no longer exists moved to Seattle. All that to say, maybe that's what brought him to Seattle. Regardless of what brought him to Seattle, his music is delicious and perfect for the kind of autumn day I WISH we were having in Portland. Have a look and a listen at his Doe Bay Session, and if you just can't get enough, head over to his bandcamp page and buy the album. Your ears will love you for it.


Joy Eggerichs said...

Can you PLEASE tell me the next time they come to Portland??? I like them too. And I'll be your date.

Haley said...

Friday November 18. It's a date!

Lindsey said...

hey there! just surfin around and landed on the shores of your blog ;) love your taste in music! hopefully you got josh garrel's new cd on his site? and i assume you know of gungor, but this video reminded me of them! i got to see them live last night and they blew me away! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRUCV78IULQ&feature=relmfu .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vHFsXOdTt0

Haley said...

Lindsey, I LOVE Gungor! Both of those videos are so beautiful! Thank you for passing those along. I am only somewhat familiar with Josh Garrel's music, but I like what I've heard.